New Words (that may be useful)
Dec 11th, 2007 by Peregrin
prestidigitator: noun; a performer of sleight of hand
transmogrification: An act, process or instance of altering in form, appearance or structure, often with grotesque or humorous effect.
pulchritudinous: adjective; beautiful (even though it really doesn’t sound like it)
triskaidekaphobia: noun; fear of the number thirteen
Below are some words that our family and friends have come up with over the years. (don’t use these in Scrabble unless you can bluff well)
derbitz: noun; minuscule particles of matter
scoge: noun; a tiny bit
unlazify: verb; get up off your duff and get to it
requoter: noun; one who requotes
spectating: verb; a spectator watching something
guestimate: verb; to guess or to estimate (or both at the same time)